Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Inside Joke, Just Between Us

The day after I gave my presentation at the Jewish Book Council's "Meet the Author" event (still waiting to find out to which cities I'll be invited, I attended a conference for independent publishers at which I learned about some of the many things I need to do to promote The Accidental Anarchist before its October launch.I previously discussed the fact that I needed to create a multimedia press kit, and have just completed the first aspect of it.

As I wasn't forward-thinking enough at the time I gave my presentation at the Jewish Book Council, I hadn't asked anyone to record it. So I restaged at home, with a text card indicating that the presentation was made to the Jewish Book Council, etc. That restaging was done in my son's room, as he had the most neutral curtains that I could use as a backdrop. In much the same way I had rehearsed my presentation while walking around New York City for two days before my presentation, I practiced it again in front of the camera (never my favorite place to be). This time, it wasn't to get the words or pace right -- it was to get the look of it right.

I had to create a klugy alternative to a tripod. This involved an upended (empty) garbage can; an empty box of something that had been delivered by Amazon; and a few very thick textbooks borrowed from my son's table. Until I came up with that height, I had tried to work with less and have a steadier place for the camera (even giving the presentation while kneeling, but that still didn't put me in the right position in the view finder. (There was probably an easier way to figure out where, against those anonymous curtains, I needed to stand, but I had to do it over and over to get it right). In the end, I recorded my presentation (dressed as I had been on that day in May), which came out good, but just a wee bit tilted to one side as the empty Amazon box couldn't easily support the textbooks upon it.

In the end, my wonderful friend, Cissy, edited the video, adding the text identifying where the presentation had taken place, and, I think, though I no longer remember, dubbing in some appreciative applause at the end. (That audio file was a little difficult to find, though it was fun looking. The list of available applause audio files, at: http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/soundfx/applause.shtml, includes such specific applause sounds like 'Smattering of Applause,' 'Rock Concert Clap,' and 'Laugh Applause III.'). This will be up on my website as soon as I provide the designer with the remaining content, which is also on my list, and on YouTube, where I have never wanted to be.

But now I must return to the list that tells me what I need to accomplish today, even though it includes rollover tasks from other days.


  1. Thanks for a good story!!

    Bill ;-)

    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
    and "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"

  2. So what is this Accidental Anarchist thing all about?

  3. Hi Drums on Demand,

    If you're new to this blog, welcome.

    The easiest way to find out what this blog is all about is to read the first entry at: http://xsnerg-accidentalanarchist.blogspot.com/2009/11/bryna-kranzler-somehow-i-always-knew.html. A very short version of this is: The book is about a man who was sentenced to death three times (during the time of the last Czar of Russia), and lived to tell about it. He also happened to have been my grandfather.

    Thank you for your curiosity, and I hope you'll enjoy this site.
